You too can help!

Donate – Living Autism Now
The Living Autism Now team also gives back to the community by way of featuring families and local services. Donate and …
New #autism training offered online, free to Ohioans #livingautismdaybyday #autism_awareness

New autism training offered online, free to Ohioans
A new, online video-training program aims to help families, agency workers, in-home aides — anyone who interacts with …
Mom’s sweet photo of little boy with #autism donating socks makes our day –
#livingautismdaybyday #autism_awareness
#livingautismdaybyday #autism_awareness

Mom’s sweet photo of little boy with autism donating socks makes our day
When TODAY Parents called out for photos of kids showing kindness, parents posted the sweetest photos of their little on…
Wrong again, Jenny McCarthy: First it was #vaccines and #autism now it’s #HIV –
#livingautismdaybyday #autism_awareness
#livingautismdaybyday #autism_awareness

Wrong again, Jenny McCarthy: First it was vaccines and autism, now it’s HIV
The actress, who worked with Charlie Sheen on “Two and a Half Men,” goes on a strange rant about the virus VIDEO
College Professors Suppressing 1st Amendment Rights RE #Vaccine Safety –
#livingautismdaybyday #autism_awareness
#livingautismdaybyday #autism_awareness
College Professors Suppressing 1st Amendment Rights RE Vaccine Safety – AGE OF AUTISM
Update 9 An autism dad with a very severely affected son, Joe Harris from Fort Worth, told me this evening that he calle…

Kristi’s Kids: Tucson mom may face charges over ‘autism diet’
When a child is on the autism spectrum, every day can be challenging with behavioral issues. Some parents will research …

Elaine Dobbin: Autism ‘is a crisis’
Autism has become an issue in the Newfoundland and Labrador election, and philanthropist Elaine Dobbin says more needs t…

Illumina to make autism research available online
SAN DIEGO — San Diego-based Illumina announced Wednesday that it will take part in a “big data” project that will make…
How do police agencies handle calls for service involving people with #autism? –
#livingautismdaybyday #autism_awareness
#livingautismdaybyday #autism_awareness

How do police agencies handle calls for service involving people with autism?
Virginia Beach, Va. – A high intensity encounter with police can be stressful for anyone. But for a person with autism, …
#Autism #jobs: Paraprofessional-Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities

Paraprofessional -Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities, Autism Jobs in Palatine, IL – Little City Foundation
Paraprofessional -Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities, AutismEnter notes about this job:
#Autism #jobs:Support For 24yo man with Autism #livingautismdaybyday #autism_awareness
Community Support Worker For A 24-Year-Old Man On The Autism Spectrum
We are looking for Support Workers for our 24-years-old son with autism, intellectual disability, ADHD and coordination …
#Autism #jobs: Group Operations Manager #livingautismdaybyday #autism_awareness

Group Operations Manager – Autism job with GILBERT MEHER | Guardian Jobs
Group Operations Manager – Autism in Management, Charities with GILBERT MEHER. Apply Today.
Sparrow Rose Jones presents Living the #Autism Spectrum: An Insider’s Perspective –
#livingautismdaybyday #autism_awareness
#livingautismdaybyday #autism_awareness

Sparrow Rose Jones presents Living the Autism Spectrum: An Insider’s Perspective :: Events at Appalachian :: Appalachian State University
Sparrow Rose Jones, author of No You Don’t (2013) and The ABCs of Autism Acceptance (Autonomous Press, June 2016), wil…

CDC says 1 in 45 children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder
A new government survey shows 1 in 45 children (ages 3 to 17) are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a signi…
Autism Society of Alabama offering “Sensory Santa” program –
#livingautismdaybyday #autism_awareness #autism_care #autism_fun #Christmas
#livingautismdaybyday #autism_awareness #autism_care #autism_fun #Christmas

Autism Society of Alabama offering “Sensory Santa” program
Huntsville, Ala. (WHNT) – For many children, a visit with Santa is one of the highlights of the holiday season. But for …
How #Swimming Boosts Happiness for Autistic Children –
#livingautismdaybyday #autism_awareness #sports_therapy
#livingautismdaybyday #autism_awareness #sports_therapy
How Swimming Boosts Happiness for Autistic Children
…being in the water is extremely beneficial for autistic children. And
the benefits aren’t just physical.
the benefits aren’t just physical.
Scavenger hunt aims to raise money for #autism #research at EVMS –
#livingautismdaybyday #autism_awareness
#livingautismdaybyday #autism_awareness

Scavenger hunt aims to raise money for autism research at EVMS
Be on the lookout for superheroes, Smurfs and other fantasy characters hiding out or casually walking the Ghent streets …
#Autism #Job: Autism Services Program Manager #livingautismdaybyday #autism_awareness

Job (Worcester): Autism Services Program Manager
Due to the expansion of services at The Bridge of Central Massachusetts, Inc., an industry leader in evidence based prac…
#Autism #Jobs: ABA TUTOR (San Diego County) #livingautismdaybyday #autism_awareness
Company Description: L.E.T.S. Grow is dedicated to enriching and empowering the lives of children with autism by partner…
Missing Lewiston teen with #autism located in Los Angeles – #livingautismdaybyday

Missing Lewiston teen with autism located in Los Angeles
Coast Guard searches for missing canoeist in Half Moon CoveCorrection: Syrian Refugees-Maine storyMaine officials say 21…