- Advocary & The Law
- Animals and Autism
- Asperger's Syndrome (AS)
- Autism & Arts
- Autism & Technology
- Autism & Travel
- Autism & Women's Issues
- Autism and Families (2)
- Autism and Friendship
- Autism Awareness
- Autism Blogs
- Autism Challenges
- Autism Do's and Don'ts, How To's
- Autism Movies, videos, audio and Apps
- Autism successes, winners and victories
- Autism Websites
- Bullying
- Celebrities & Autism
- Community Development
- Dating
- Diagnosis
- Early Intervention
- Employment & Vocational Support
- Entertainment
- Evaluation Assessment
- Family Law
- Financial Support
- Fitness (1)
- General Health
- Health Insurance Agents & Companies
- Home Schooling
- Housing
- Life Skills
- Media
- Military Family Resources
- Music Therapy (1)
- Nutrition Diets and Supplement Needs (1)
- Occupational Therapy
- Parent / Professional Advocate
- Parent Counselling
- Personal Security & Safety
- Pervasive Development Disorder (PDD)
- Places for Autism
- Play Skills
- Recreational Programmes and Activities
- Relationship Development
- Retailers
- Safety
- Sensory Integration
- Sleep
- Social Stories
- Special Needs Equipment Exchange (SNEES)
- Speech & Language Pathology (112)
- Spirituality and Religion
- Support Groups
- Tax Credit Information & Resources
- Teens & Adults with Autism
- Transportation

1005 Whitehead Road Extension, Suite 1 Ewing, NJ 08638
Advancing Opportunities, Inc., is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization providing services and supp...