img_2139-2Pamela Bryson-Weaver – CEO Living autism now

As a parent of a child with Autism and as the Founder and CEO of Living Autism Now, Pamela Bryson-Weaver continues to keep her hands deep with and Living Autism Foundation (LAF), along with the scores of comments, suggestions, and endless inspiration from families with Autism members. Pamela has always been active on her social network in Facebook and Twitter, as well as in many community events tapping Autism Spectrum Disorder. She loves interacting and forging connections with families, writers, bloggers, advocates, and large businesses who relentlessly share her passion in helping families living with Autism day by day. Learn more about Pamela Bryson-Weaver here.


Raphael Love – Social Media Business Strategist

Raphael Love is an insatiable Social Media Business Strategist who never runs out of ideas and tactics in conquering the online realm. It is his lifelong mission to build an army of raving fans and supporters who can help expand our worldwide influence on the Autism world. He is Pamela’s right-hand-man in the highly volatile realm of social media.


Amy T.Content Administrator – Social Media Manager – Virtual Assistant

Passionate freelance writer, social media fairy, and all-around virtual assistant, Amy is Pamela’s wing woman in most everything. She shares Pamela’s advocacy for autism by instilling conscious goal-setting on spreading awareness and acceptance about autism. When not writing, Amy tends to her three precocious sons, organic vegetable garden and community services.

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