I think the information in this book addresses the “feeling” side of having a child with ASD. It is good to reflect on what is available and how to handle a problem that someone has had direct experience. It can help raise questions and provide answers to reduce a parent’s anxiety. It is written as daily inspirational advice and so the book can be easily read over a period of time. A nice alternative for busy families. I am the author of the My Baby Compass series and I would have recommended this book had it been published before my publications were finished.
Tag Archives: autistic
Richard Karampatsos , Author of Heading Toward the Final Finish Line and Running on the Living Edge
TRUST ~~~ WHEN YOU CAN TRUST THE PERSON WHO WROTE A BOOK YOU ARE OF TO A RUNNING START TO BE BLESSED! When that person knows the subject that they are not only putting into words, but have already paid the price for the information being shared – you will also be enriched by what you read. HOPE ~ There is always a need and a source for HOPE> Pamela knows how to reach out with her words to do just that: H- helping O- other P- people E – endure. In fact, with the Lord’s guidance she does more than just help folks dealing with this heath challenge to ‘endure’ but be overcomes!
M. Brooks
The author delivers the most intimate truths about her life in the most genuine way. She sheds a light on the highs as well as the lows. I believe this book will not only benefit the families living directly with autism but also those on the outside; such as myself. It has helped me to have a better understanding of the inner life of autism. She has brought a guide that can be used for all to cope, understand, and learn while keeping it simplistic in terminology and personal so we can empathize with the emotions. I highly recommend this book to anyone as it has the ability to help you find hope and gratitude. Well done!
Dad of Divas (www. dadofdivas.com)
While I do not live with autism daily, this was an interesting read. I appreciated how in-depth the author was in regards to what parents have to deal with in an honest, upfront and truthful manner. The book was easy to understand and the author talks to you as if you are a trusted friend. That being said I was very impressed with the amount of information that was shared and I can honestly say that I learned SO much from reading this that I was not aware of previous to reading. The book is definitely a resource that will offer hope and resources for anyone touched by autism. The daily reflections really make you think differently about autism and what this means to you and the people around you!
*I received this for review – all opinions are my own*
When I received Pamela Bryson-Weaver’s Living Autism day-by-day, I knew that it would be of interest to several moms that I know.
It begins with an informational intro, then transitions into a journal of sorts. Each day has a story, quote, and /or info, and has a space for notes or reflections. It’s a great hybrid of clinical information and lovely thoughts and quotes. I thought it would be a great resource and personal notebook for the parent of an ASD child.
I gave the book to a friend and asked for her review, as someone who is very knowledgeable on the subject and truly is living autism day-by-day. Below are her thoughts:
“I appreciate Mrs Bryson-Weaver’s positive breath of fresh air on a variety of topics that are very difficult for most parents of an ASD child. Daily she provides a famous inspirational quote, a topic to revel over, and a small daily objective to strive for. She covers advocating for the ASD child as well as advocating for yourself to find the answers you seek, the support you need, and acceptance of your child for who they are.
Her knowledge and suggestions are current in terms of biomedical and dietary treatment approaches. I’m not so sure that all of her ideas are reasonable though. As a mother myself of a child with an ASD, I was quite surprised to find her “home schooling” suggestion.
On a whole, the book is a must read for parents of a newly diagnosed child!!”
My kids were so excited seeing their faces in the book and truly, the book is a beautiful honoring of those with autism as well as parents on that journey to support their little ones….
I’ve gotten my son to show it to his Autism school, Pathlight School, the only dedicated-autism school in Singapore and they are interested to get copies of this to either sell or have in their library – am waiting for them to tell me what they intend to do – but so many teachers and the vice-principal has already seen the book and everyone’s so taken in by the book! So honouring you and the gift of your book to the world! Thank you once again for the heart you have for autism and for the little ones you hold dearly.
Will reconnect soon once I hear back from the school on what they would like to do… cheers and divine blessings for you always!
Kimberly Arsenault
Thank you so much for the advance copy of your book! The book is fabulous, and I highly recommend it! The website is also fabulous, and will continue to be a wonderful resource, I look forward to seeing it continue to grow and evolve!
You are such a wonderful mother and such an inspiration! Keep up the amazing work and know that you are making such a difference in this world! God Bless!
Fr. Jack Dolan
A good book, very insightful! You are a wonderful mother to John and I have seen first-hand what a blessing you are in his life.
I had such a crazy thing happen to me this morning that I just had to share it with you.
I went into work today, which was not required, to participate in a new student orientation program. I was unsure where I was suppose to go, so I walked into a classroom where 2 of my co-workers were talking. I had several rooms that I could chose from, but randomly picked the one I did. As I walked in they were in a deep conversation so I just stood back for awhile to let them finish. To my amazement the conversation was about the son of one of them who is currently in the process of being diagnosed as autistic. I couldn’t believe it. Her son is 4 years old and they are in the run around stage of trying to diagnose her son. I immediately shared your information with her. She was very excited to have another resource and I am sure she will be checking out your website. I sensed she was feeling the frustration of trying to find out what is happening with her son. It sounded like some intense testing is coming up soon.
It was so crazy that I just had to share this. I had no idea she was dealing with this with her son. Again, I think the stars must be in line. It felt so good to me to be able to share your information with her.
Laura Bloomfield
Thank you for the book, Tyler and myself love it and all our extended family are very impressed. Can they get this book at Chapters? 🙂