
Living Autism

Daily Reflections and Strategies to Give You Hope and Courage

The information you need to learn on autism spectrum disorders can be overwhelming. Living autism will give you hope and courage 365 days of the year.

Pamela Bryson-Weaver will provide a comfortable way for parents and caregivers to learn and understand the volumes of information out there on autism spectrum disorders. In just five minutes a day, through the 365 days of the year, readers will read new and hopeful information.

Buy Now From Living Autism Day-by-day Buy Now From Living Autism Day-by-day

Author Pamela Bryson-Weaver

The past 16 years, Bryson-Weaver has worked with doctors, autism organizations, and both government and private professionals.

This book is a wonderfully easy-to-digest resource book for parents and caregivers. It will help parents identify a child with autism, guide them through the early years, and offer suggestions on how to pick the right course to take when all paths seems equally daunting.


“A good book, very insightful! You are a wonderful mother to John and I have seen first-hand what a blessing you are in his life.”

– Fr. Jack Dolan

“Just received the book, ”Living autism”, and it’s great! Wish I had had this book when Megan was growing up. I will be reading it, and of course, loving Megan’s photo on page 120!!! I will be sure to leave a glowing review on when it appears there. Thanks again!

– Debra Miller

“Living autism, day by day” is a must read for anyone dealing with autism whether it be for years or a recent diagnosis! Truly exceptional!!”

– Dr. Perley WeaverTrenton, ON, Canada

Hi Pamela! Thank you so much for the advance copy of your book! I’m so excited to read it and Cameron will be so excited to see his picture in the book! You must be so thrilled and proud! Thank you for sharing your journey and letting us be part of it.

The strenuous demands of specialized care and overwhelming strain of information leave little or no time to absorb the knowledge available.

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Additional Book Information

Living Autism Day-by-day Pamela Bryson-Weaver

Living autism

Daily Reflections and Strategies to Give You Hope and Courage

Author: Pamela Bryson-Weaver
448 pages, Trade Paperback, Website Reseach and Resources, Research Papers, Subject Index, 5 x 8
ISBN: 978-0-9936429-0-6 $23.99
Pub Date: October 1st, 2014
Published by: Freedom Abound, Inc.
Distributed by: New Shelves Distribution, Troy, NY

A Gold Award Recipient from Mom’s Choice Awards.

Winner a Silver Award in the 2015 IBPA Benjamin Franklin Awards, Parenting & Family Issues category.

Winner of a Bronze Award from 2015 Independent Publisher Book Awards (IPPY) in the gift/specialty/journal category.

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) are reaching epidemic proportions throughout the world–in families of all racial, ethnic, and social backgrounds. Autism is five times more likely to be found in boys than in girls. Autism is a devastating neurological and biological disorder that typically affects children between the ages of 18 months to five years of age.

This diagnosis is so heartbreaking to most families that parents and caregivers are desperately seeking answers. The strenuous demands of specialized care and overwhelming strain of information leave little or no time to absorb the knowledge available.

In her new book, Living autism Daily Reflections and Strategies to Give You Hope and Courage, Pamela Bryson-Weaver shares how she learned that her youngest son is autistic.

The past 16 years, Bryson-Weaver has worked with doctors, autism organizations, and both government and private professionals. This book is a wonderfully easy-to-digest resource book for parents and caregivers. It will help parents identify a child with autism, guide them through the early years, and offer suggestions on how to pick the right course to take when all paths seems equally daunting.

Bryson-Weaver hopes her book will provide a comfortable way for parents and caregivers to learn and understand the volumes of information out there on autism spectrum disorders. In just five minutes a day, through the 365 days of the year, readers will read new and hopeful information.

A share of proceeds from book sales will go to the resourceful web site––which offers FREE membership.

Living Autism Day-by-day Pamela Bryson-Weaver best selling authorPamela Bryson-Weaver, R.D.H., is an autism parent advocate and the author of Living autism Daily Reflections and Strategies to Give You Hope and Courage. Her sage advice, wisdom, knowledge, and expertise come from many areas of experience over the last 16 years. Two of her three children have special needs: John, her youngest son (now 16), has autism and Joshua has Tourette’s syndrome and ADHD. She also grew up with a younger sister who has Down’s syndrome.

Bryson-Weaver works with all types of organizations, professionals, service providers and families to establish success strategies and ease interactions with others dealing with ASD.

As past president of the Autism Society in New Bruswick, Canada, her activism has allowed her to work with government members of Parliament and many other parents. As a result of their combined efforts, all children diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder in New Brunswick receive $20,000 a year for treatment.

She served as the Director of Pee Wee Active Living, formally Junior Special Olympics, a program she began in Hanwell, NB. Bryson-Weaver also produced and promoted through Canada’s largest womens’ league a resolution on autism that was presented locally, provincially, and nationally. It was passed nationally in Canada 2004.

Freedom Abound, Inc - Living Autism Day by Day

Freedom Abound, Inc. is dedicated to publishing books in the health and self-help areas.

Their first publication, Living autism, has just been released.

Table of Contents from Living autism

Foreword by Dr. Mel Gill, best-selling author of The Meta Secret, Educational Consultant, Autism Foundation School, Singapore Committee, Head of Pre-school Autism Council CEO, Georgi Lozanov Foundation for Suggestopedia, Bulgaria.

Poem: Living Autism Day By Day

Daily Reflections












Appendix 1, Website Research and Resources

Appendix 2, Research Papers

About the Author

Share With Me

Subject Index

Excerpt from Living autism

From the Introduction

I know full well the challenges that face the caregiver of an
autistic child. For fifteen years, as the mother of an autistic son, I have navigated the waters of the autism community; finding little-known resources, communicating with parents about their special challenges, and discovering–yes!–even the blessings of autism. Now I share my findings with the millions of parents who struggle with autism via a day-by-day almanac that offers concise yet powerful entries even the busiest caregiver will appreciate. Just as each new day in the life of an autistic parent brings surprises, so Living autism will present a fresh approach to each new day.

Each daily reading begins with a quotation, and a reflection
meant to get you interested and thinking about autism spectrum
disorders (ASDs) in a comfortable, easy manner. Following the
daily refl ections are simple actions that can help you live autism day-by-day. At the end of each reflection and action is a space to add your own notes, thoughts, ideas and results for each day.

Entries will address the world of autism from all angles, and help will come in many forms. They will include:
– practical advice
– inspiring stories and quotes
– household tips
– humorous anecdotes
– national and community resources (see also appendices)
– facts and statistics
– hope and encouragement
– educational and professional resources (see also appendices)
– strategies and tips on autistic child-care
– insights for clients, family, and friends wanting to understand autism
– treatments and research (specifically discussed in the months of November and December)
– appendices with additional resources on specified topics and to find more help

This is a book to help you feel good and assist you in the process of discovering:
– autism awareness
– self-awareness
– many of the blessings in your life!

Written with compassion and a true understanding of its readers,
Living autism may be read in bite-size daily moments or all at one time. Either way, this book will be an indispensable resource guide for families to turn to again and again….

Interview Questions about Living autism

  1. How prevalent is autism today?
  2. Did you know much about autism and the other Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) before you were told your son had this condition?
  3. Where did you go for help initially?
  4. Why did you feel compelled to help others facing the challenges which autism places on families and caregivers?
  5. Was the web site your first outreach?
  6. What lead you to take charge of approaching Canada’s New Brunswick Parliament to try and make money available to families for treatments?
  7. What are some of the other ways you become an autism activist?
  8. Has your son benefited from your work?
  9. Why did you choose the 365-day format for your book – Living autism
  10. Where can people go for more information on autism?

Reviews for Living autism

  • Living autism just received a Bronze Award from 2015 Independent Publisher Book Awards (IPPY) in the gift/specialty/journal category.”

    – IPPY Award   [ link ]


  • Living autism just received a Gold Award from Mom’s Choice Awards.”

    – Mom’s Choice Awards   [ link ]


  • Living autism was a Finalist in the National Indie Excellence Awards, Parenting & Family category.”

    – National Indie Excellence Awards   [ link ]


  • “Since my son’s officially diagnosis of Autism, life had been crazy hectic. One of the first things I did was look online for other bloggers and resources to help my family and I adjust. I was looking for some comfort and I found that last December in a book. Living Autism has really be a huge blessing in my life and it’s kept me going on days when I wanted to just hang my head and cry. Pamela Bryson-Weaver did an amazing job with this book; Making it sort of a devotional for parents or people caring for someone with Autism. Pamela herself is a parent with an autistic child so reading this book made me truly feel like someone understood what I was dealing with on a daily basis.

    . . . It really comforted me on days I just wanted to cry and I’m sure it will continue to give me hope and strength throughout our journey with my son. I like that the book is set up so you can choose how you want to read it. I like to skip around and find what I need. You can read a new page each day in order. It’s really up to you how you choose to use this book as a guide. I would recommend this book to any parent with an autistic child. It’s truly inspirational. . . .”

    – Nickida Stephens, Nicki’s Random Musings   [ link ]


  • “The author knows of where she speaks, and as autism advocate, she knows the words and info that parents need to hear. This is a lovely book that offers information, a place to reflect and write out emotions a parent might be bottling up, or just need to express, as well as quotes to lift the soul! Her daily objectives help parents with Autism children focus on a small item and not to be overwhelmed with things that need to be done. While all of her solutions might not be applicable to everyone, they are points to ponder and options to consider. This book would make a lovely Mother’s Day present for a parent with an Autistic child, or for a parent with a recently diagnosed child. I highly recommend it!”

    – Nicole Henke, Bless Their Hearts Mom   [ link ]


  • “Winner of a Silver Award in the 2015 IBPA Benjamin Franklin Awards, Parenting & Family category.”

    – 2015 IBPA Benjamin Franklin Awards   [ link ]


  • Living autism author Pamela Bryson-Weaver has an article featured in the April issue of Staten Island Parent and several of her other articles are posted on the site.”

    – Staten Island Parent magazine   [ link ]


  • “…Sometimes we just need a reminder of what is amazing about our child. Or about us. Living Autism Day By Day is full of hope and advice on how to get through the days. It’s also a reminder of what makes our children so special. Raising an autistic child isn’t all the horrendous things that others may say it is. Our children can bring so much joy to our lives. Once you accept your child for who he or she is, and concentrate on helping your child live a life full of love and happiness, you will be amazed at the joy you will find in your life. If you are having a bad day, pick up Pamela’s book and find a quote in it that helps you get through it.”

    – Tammy Lessick, AutismLearningFelt   [ link ]


  • “I send you all the love and positive energy in the world! Xxx everything you do is for autism!!!”

    – Alex Sharp, the actor who played a gifted, austic mathematician in the award-winning Broadway play, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time   [ link ]


  • “Kudos 2 grad @livingautismnow on Amazon #1 bestseller “Living Autism ””

    – Jack Canfield, 12.22.14 tweet   [ link ]


  • “…While I do not live with autism daily, this was an interesting read. I appreciated how in-depth the author was in regards to what parents have to deal with in an honest, upfront and truthful manner. The book was easy to understand and the author talks to you as if you are a trusted friend. That being said I was very impressed with the amount of information that was shared and I can honestly say that I learned SO much from reading this that I was not aware of previous to reading. The book is definitely a resource that will offer hope and resources for anyone touched by autism. The daily reflections really make you think differently about autism and what this means to you and the people around you!”

    – Chris Lewis,   [ link ]


  • “Pamela Bryson-Weaver, author of Living with autism, quoted in article Leveraging Gratitude through Challenges & Adversities at”

    –   [ link ]


  • “…I really like how this book is so gentle. It is just a tiny bit of reading each day. There is a spot on each page for you to write down your feeling about the topic or just the day in general. It is dated, so you could look back and know exactly where you were on each date. I think this would be a fabulous gift for a parent facing a new diagnosis. I also think that it could be a valuable gift for a child down the road, when they were older to see how their parents handled this new journey for their lives.”

    – Lisa Rupertus, As They Grow Up   [ link ]


  • Living autism helps inspire those who live and work with children who have autism. It’s an easy and quick read, reminding us the value that each child has when given the opportunity to shine. Sometimes we need small reminders to believe in ourselves and our children. This book gives parents the resource they need to make it easier to move forward. If you’re looking for some guidance, you found the right book.”

    – Brad Cohen, author of the the multi-award winning book, Front of the Class: How Tourette Syndrome Made Me the Teacher I Never Had


  • “…Parents and families need help. A word of hope, an insightful story, gentle and kind words, sage advice from another who isn’t a doctor or therapist who sounds like someone reading from a script … someone who is just like you. A parent is the answer; a parent who is living through the same fears that you are. A parent who gets exactly what you are going through because she’s going through it too.

    Author Pamela Bryson-Weaver is that parent. Her Daily Reflections and insights are just what you, your heart, your child and family need. ”

    – Susan Heim, On Parenting   [ link ]


  • “…Her sage advice, wisdom, knowledge, and expertise as an advocate for autism, speaker on autism, head of non-profits, and now an author on autism, led her to want to share her knowledge and understanding of autism and its affect on families.

    As part of her ongoing efforts to help, she offers Living autism Daily Reflections & Strategies to Give You Hope and Courage. ”

    – Bekah, Motherhood Moment   [ link ]


  • “…According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated one in fifty children in the U.S. has autism. This book tells what information and help is available for the services and professionals who provide it, what to believe and dismiss regarding what one will hear about autism, and what types of feelings, emotions, and issue you will deal with on a personal level as a parent or caregiver. The book has received a great deal of praise from professionals and parenting experts.”

    – Alan Caruba, Bookviews   [ link ]


  • “…With her gift of story-telling and daily thought-provoking reflections, deep sense of compassion, and rich sense of understanding, Bryson-Weaver takes readers on a year-long journey. Set up to read one page in just a few minutes each day, the book’s words of hope, its insightful story, along with gentle and kind advice come from someone who isn’t a doctor or therapist, but who is just like you….”

    – abcbooks123   [ link ]


  • “Pamela Bryson-Weaver takes you through her thoughts and feelings day by day for a whole year of interaction and care of her autistic son. You will gain empathy and understanding for parents of autistic children as she shares the joys, sorrows, frustrations, love, and determination to do the best things for her child and the autistic community. This is a must read for parents, workers, friends of parents, and anyone who has contact with autistic children.”

    – Frank Healy, HSM, posted at, 5 stars


  • “From the initial view of the cover, I quickly understood that this was a book which would demonstrate ways to put life back together and make life more solid. This book is certainly well written, containing numerous insights about life, for someone who has had to deal with the life-change of autism, or not. What a wonderful resource that people who deal with autism can turn to for inspiration and help toward the future….

    Thank you, Pamela, for bringing to us these words of hope. Many can learn from this wonderful book about making change work for us.”

    – Kit, posted at, 5 stars


  • “I love the daily reflections that Pamela Bryson-Weaver has created in her intimate book that has been created for parents of autistic children. You can sense the love she has for both parents and children. You quickly learn that her son is autistic and that she is actively involved in supporting parents with both resources and inspiration. If you want a friend … a guide … someone who has walked in your shoes, Pamela and Living autism is there for you.”

    – Judith Briles, posted at, 5 stars


  • Living autism is a fantastic book of daily reflections for caregivers of autistic children. Not only does it offer coping strategies for caregivers who are feeling overwhelmed but it is also super EDUCATIONAL, providing resources that the reader can pursue for additional information. Pamela’s love for her own child with autism and her perseverance in providing the best possible upbringing for him radiates from every page of the book and will truly INSPIRE and help all who pick up this book!”

    –  Willy Drost, posted at amazon, 4 stars


  • “TRUST: WHEN YOU CAN TRUST THE PERSON WHO WROTE A BOOK YOU ARE OFF TO A RUNNING START TO BE BLESSED! When that person knows the subject that they are not only putting into words, but have already paid the price for the information being shared–you will also be enriched by what you read. HOPE: There is always a need and a source for HOPE. Pamela knows how to reach out with her words to do just that: H- helping O- other P- people E – endure. In fact, with the Lord’s guidance she does more than just help folks dealing with this heath challenge to ‘endure’ but be overcomes!”

    – Richard Karampatsos, posted at, 5 stars


  • “The author delivers the most intimate truths about her life in the most genuine way. She sheds a light on the highs as well as the lows. I believe this book will not only benefit the families living directly with autism but also those on the outside; such as myself. It has helped me to have a better understanding of the inner life of autism. She has brought a guide that can be used for all to cope, understand, and learn while keeping it simplistic in terminology and personal so we can empathize with the emotions. I highly recommend this book to anyone as it has the ability to help you find hope and gratitude. Well done!”

    – M. Brooks, posted at, 5 stars


  • “Author Pamela Bryson-Weaver was interviewed on the Dr. Jeanette Radio Show.”

    – Dr. Jeanette,


  • “’10 Helpful Tips To Prepare Your Child With Autism For School’ article by Pamela Bryson-Weaver, R.D.H, author of Living autism posted 9.6.14.”

    – Len Saunders   [ link ]


  • “Pamela Bryson-Weaver has done a remarkable job creating a
    beautiful mosaic consisting of heartfelt disclosures, universal
    wisdom, and scientific knowledge. Living autism is a journal chronicling the trials and tribulations and most importantly the joys and the growth that a loving parent of a child with autism goes through on a daily basis. And while the book is a useful, heart-to-heart guide to all parents of children with special needs, it is also a love letter from mother to son. For a moment, I started reading the book as if I were the child for whom it was written. The love, compassion, and devotion that emerged made
    me feel invincible. Living autism is written with the kind of love that makes us all better people.”

    – Theo Tsaousides, Ph.D., Neuropsychologist, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Mount Sinai School of Medicine


  • “This devotional, soul-searching book, Living autism,
    will provide the missing component that all professionals rarely
    address. The feelings of a parent or caregiver of a child with
    an autistic spectrum disorder diagnosis. It is from the point of
    view of a mother who has experienced these feelings for over 15 years. The daily tidbits of information in each month offer hope, advice, inspiration and resources. A great read for moral support, even if your child doesn’t have autism.”

    – Kathryn Thorson Gruhn, MA Speech-Language Pathologist, (Positive Parenting Expert with thirty-fi ve years of experience and Author of My Baby Compass. Kathryn speaks and appears on television nationally as the Positive Parenting Expert


  • Living autism is beautiful! What I found so powerful and inspiring was that your content can apply to ANYBODY!!! It does not have to be about autism. I loved it! I love your writing! I see your book as a tool to inspire others!”

    – Ann McIndoo, CEO / Founder of So, You Want To Write! and author of   [ link ]


  • “Great passion here, Pamela. The depth of your care and your
    commitment to providing support, and a supportive book for
    people living with autism is strong. Kudos on living the challenges bravely and bringing this manuscript together. Your strengths in this manuscript include your passion and commitment, which is evident in the writing, and some great points of wisdom, both in your writing, and the quotes you’ve collected. You share some great insights and perspective and many useful, practical suggestions.
    Just for Today: these are an excellent idea to conclude each
    day’s segment with focus point that a person can personalize and take into their day. Well done.”

    – Karah Madrone, freelance editor and writing coach


  • “Understand, My Love, I BELIEVE in You, and you make a
    DIFFERENCE. I do believe in you, honey, and know that your
    book will be successful because you did it with the intention
    of helping others. I also have seen firsthand that you make a
    difference by the number of people I meet when I travel that
    somehow or another are connected to you. You are a beautiful
    soul who has definitely given back to the world and who still has
    more to give. I have loved you from the day we met, love you
    now, and will love you for all time.”

    – Your Love-Crazed Husband, Perley Weaver


Story Ideas about Living autism

  1. What exactly is autism and what signs should parents be aware of?
  2. 10 things you should never say to someone with autism–and why.
  3. 7 ways to choose the right school for your ASD child.
  4. Be Safe: Learning the ropes on safety skills for autism communities
  5. Parental stress and autism: what’s effective at reducing it?

Past events for Living autism

  • 10/29/2014

    Autism Awareness Month Talk & Book Signing

    Autism Resources Miramichi Inc. (A.R.M.) – 139 Duke St, Miramichi, NB, Canada

    Talk & Book Signing in honor of Canada’s Autism Awareness Month.


  • 10/28/2014

    Autism Awareness Month Talk & Book Signing

    Catholic Book Store, 48 Waterloo St, St John, NB, Canada

    Talk & Book Signing in honor of Canada’s Autism Awareness Month.


  • 10/19/2014

    Autism Awareness Month Talk & Book Signing

    Autism Resource Centre , hosted by Chapters/Indigo, Moncton, NB, Canada

    Talk & Book Signing in honor of Canada’s Autism Awareness Month.


  • 10/18/2014

    Autism Awareness Month Talk & Book Signing

    Chapters/Indigo Bookstore, Fredericton, NB, Canada

    Talk & Book Signing in honor of Autism Awareness Month in Canada.


  • 10/16/2014

    Autism Awareness Month Talk & Book Signing

    Community Autism Centre Inc. (C.A.C.I.) – 55 Westmorland Rd, Saint John, NB, Canada

    Talk & Book Signing in honor of Autism Awareness Month in Canada.


  • 10/04/2014

    Autism Awareness Month Talk & Book Signing

    Autism Connections Fredericton (A.C.F) -1666 Lincoln Road, Fredericton, NB, Canada

    Talk & Book Signing in honor of Autism Awareness Month in Canada.


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