Only registered site members can submit a rate or review on service providers, professionals, and business establishment they have interacted with. All reviews and ratings as well as comments/feedback from other members and the service professional’s reply will be displayed on the website. All rates and reviews come from REAL people duly registered to the website. No anonymous users allowed.

A valid email address is required when submitting a feedback. All “unverified” comments shown on the Business Center profile mean zero email confirmation received by after the review was submitted.

Reviews and rates from individual members can create a lasting impact on your credentials in the business or service community where you belong. Do encourage your clients to become a member here and to share their experiences. The more reviews or the higher the ratings being given to you, this increases the level of awareness among the community on your services.

Always be on the loop! Create your own free membership account or log in to your existing business account to keep tabs on reviews, feedback, and ratings from actual people. Be reminded, however, that strictly implements ZERO Self-Reporting policy. We strictly prohibit submission of reviews in behalf of a client or customers.